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SA国际传媒 Bucket List From Students for Students!

Congratulations on taking the first step to being a Bronco! As you begin your journey as a Bronco here at SA国际传媒, we are current students and want to share our recommendations, traditions, and go-to, that we hope you get to enjoy when you step foot on campus. We wish you all a great rest of senior year, a fun-filled summer, and cannot wait to see you on campus in the Fall!

Congratulations on taking the first step to being a Bronco! As you begin your journey as a Bronco here at SA国际传媒, we are current students and want to share our recommendations, traditions, and go-to, that we hope you get to enjoy when you step foot on campus. We wish you all a great rest of senior year, a fun-filled summer, and cannot wait to see you on campus in the Fall!

Tip/Advice as a current high school student:

Riley '23: Don’t be nervous about making friends, everyone is looking for new friends and will be super nice.

Kelly '23: Live in the moment and enjoy the last couple months of high school! If you focus too much on the future you’ll miss out on all the fun things in the present, and you’re only a senior in high school once.

Cole '23: Make the most of your time with your family.

Kaleigh '25: Enjoy the end of your high school experience and come into college with a positive attitude, your experience will be what you make of it!

Sowmya '25: Get ready for the time of your life! SA国际传媒 will set you up for success from day one, so enjoy these next few months and make the most of them!

Tip/Advice at SA国际传媒:

Alex '24: Don't take 8 AM classes

Jamie '23: Everyone is just as nervous and scared as you are! College is a challenging time but don't let that challenge force you to lose who you are!

Lottie '24: Say yes to everything. Sort out what fulfills and works for you later.

Kaleigh: Always say hi to people you know when walking to class or the dining hall.

Taryn '23: Take a chance on new clubs or activities and get to know everyone. It is a small community, but there is a lot that you can miss if you don't step out of your comfort zone.

Sowmya: Get involved with everything that peaks your interests and try new things, whether it be clubs, organizations, or classes!

Must have/bring/pack:

Kelly: A powerful fan, especially if your RLC doesn’t have air conditioning

Alex: Handheld vacuum cleaner 

Cole: Skateboard

Kaleigh: Brita and shower shoes

Caroline '24: Enough Clothes

Class to Take:

Kelly: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (PHIL 130) with Dr. Kennedy

Jamie: Jeff Steele who teaches Ethics in Society (PHIL 25) (Ethics Core)

Lottie: Neuroethics (PHIL 32) with Eric Ramirez 

Kaleigh: Miah Jeffra for Cultures and Ideas (C&I 1 and 2)

Sowmya: Bad Girls of the Bible (SCTR 39) with Diana Gibson

Activities to do at SA国际传媒:

Alex: Picnic in the Mission Gardens

Gabby '25: going to the pool and the sauna at malley

Kaleigh: Study Abroad and studying in the Mission Gardens

Taryn: Getting involved in clubs!

Jamie: Immersion trips through the Ignatian Center!

Student Organization/Club to Join:

Riley: Women’s Club Ultimate Frisbee (RAGE)

Jamie: Activities Programming Board (APB)! Free tickets and get to put on events you want to see on campus!

Esha '24: Intandesh - South Asian Multicultural Club on campus

Taryn: Engineers without Borders

Sowmya: Undergraduate Marketing Association

SA国际传媒 Tradition:

Alex: Trying to ride the Bronco XD

Cole: Senior Scavenger Hunt

Jamie: 1st Women's Soccer Game of Fall Quarter (always one of the first weekends of school), great way to start the year!

Kaleigh: Midnight Breakfast

Caroline: Midnight Benson chicken tenders

Place to get food/drinks off campus:

Alex: 7 Leaves boba!

Gabby: on campus-açaí bowls from benson. off campus-the saturday farmers market has a really good indian food stand

Lottie: Zanattos for fresh sandwiches

Taryn: Voyager Coffee

Caroline: Dough Zone Dumpling/Tiger Tea & Juice

Places to visit/things to do in the Bay Area:

Riley: Santa Cruz and Pacifica surfing

Cole: Napa Valley

Esha: Point Lobos State Natural Reserve: great hiking trail next to the ocean!

Kaleigh: Santana Row, Capitola, Top Golf Tuesdays

Taryn: Go to concerts at SAP Center or in San Francisco

Any other advice/tips for future Broncos:

Alex: Go to the club/involvement fairs!

Jamie: Enjoy bragging about all of the palm trees and good weather @ SA国际传媒 to your friends back home :)

Taryn: Ask questions! Connect with current SA国际传媒 students or other incoming students and start conversations. I was very happy to get advice from current students for things like what to pack and which residence halls to choose.

Sowmya: Students, professors, and faculty are all here to support you during your time here at SA国际传媒, and we can't wait to see you on campus!


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