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Child Studies Program


Omar Davila Jr.

Read more about Professor Davila's work on educational inequality and as Director of FTP.

Dr. Omar Davila Jr. is our newest professor, joining the Child Studies faculty and bringing with him new insights into education policy, political discourse, and the social construction of merit. As the professor for Qualitative Research Methods (CHST12) and Urban Education (CHST106), Dr. Davila shares his expertise with students, empowering them to understand educational inequality and build their critical thinking skills to propose creative solutions. His research examines how social inequality is reproduced and resisted; how political ideologies shape academic contexts; and how to reimagine education to serve a transformative end. 

Dr. Davila is also the new Director of the Future Teachers Project (FTP). This program prepares students to become teachers and leaders in urban communities. FTP scholars are engaged in academic research, present their work at conferences, and publish findings via peer-reviewed journals, all of which aim to shape and transform education in marginalized communities. Read more about the Future Teachers Project here.

Read FTP's newest publication, "Returning to Normal? The Zero-Sum Phenomenon and Imagining Otherwise":

Davila Jr., O, Mann-Wood, M., Martinez, W., & De La Lima, M. (2021). Returning to normal? The zero-sum phenomenon and imagining otherwise. Teachers College Record, (ID: 23686). Retrieved from  

Click here to view the publication. 

faculty spotlights